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I'm playing on browser and i had trouble understanding the story, because the text was hard to read, can you make the text box a little bit darker?

Thanks for checking out the game! 😊 I am sorry to hear that the text is hard to read. I will try to see how I can fix the issue. The text box seems pretty dark to me, but I can make it darker. Though I am wondering if it would be more helpful to you if I add in an option for dark text against a light background? Please let me know! Thanks!


That's a great idea, I'll wait for that update and I'll play it again

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Hi! The game has been updated. To change the display of textbox colours, please go to “Customise” in the main menu, and under “Text Display Style”, choose the option that you prefer. You can also change the textbox colours in-game, by going to “Settings”. A screenshot of the “Settings” page has also been uploaded to the game page in case this is unclear. I hope the new display colours make the text easier to read! 😊


Won't lie, I was affraid you'd make me cry like in One Last Goodbye, so I hesitated on playing this one lol

But hey, I got happily ever after, and would rather not check the other endings! (You know, just like in OLG lol).

But I can totally see so many aspects that you developed later in your games in here. And to think this was your first VN? It looks awesome, I wish mine had looked this good lol

It was a very wholesome game, and the art/music choices were superb. I read that you have the main project on hold? Well, I have no idea how the main project would be but, knowing you I'm sure it's probably a pretty big endevour!

I know how it is to revisit an old project, so I wish you all the luck in the world if you retake it someday! I'm sure it'll be an awesome (and hopefully wholesome too lol) game!

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Thank you so much for checking out Memories of Marin too, Mat!! 😁 I am so happy to hear that you liked it and enjoyed the experience of it! Yes, the project is on hold at the moment because two years after writing the story, I realise that I have changed, and I am not really in the space I was in back then, and like you’ve said, some of the themes that I wanted to explore were already explored in OLG. I am still thinking about how I want to approach the story because the original version of the game which actually was already halfway completed is a little heavy. I might revisit the project once more when I know how I want to proceed! Thank you once more for being so kind about my project! 😊 My next challenge is to try to make my own assets, since most of the assets I used in this game are from other people!

About the ending… SPOILERS! Don’t be too worried about which ending you get… this is actually the point of this story! 😆 It is not supposed to be a sad story! Promise! And it is definitely not like OLG! (Though TBH the version of the story in OLG that was published is actually the lighter version… since I did try to make it less depressing… 😅 Though perhaps to start off with OLG addresses some very heavy topics in itself… so it is not an easy experience to go through in any case.) One last super spoiler for this game… one person’s “Happy Ever After” may not be another’s “Happy Ever After”. But if you’ve gotten the ending you want, I agree, there’s no need to check out the other ones too unless you are not completely happy with it. 🌈

Ahhh now that you explained that, I took the liberty of checking the rest!

I really liked the variations on the ending lol and I even have to admit, 3rd and 2nd were actually way better! They felt a bit more complex, and much more fulfilling doed to that!

As I said before, I can really see both your other games in here as well, I think you really perfected the multi endings with Rosenberg as well! And your character development as well, althought I can tell that was always there playing this one lol

I really liked the theme around how some choices changes completely one's life, and how some tumultous paths led the main character to understand himself better, and learn what was going on  with him in the back of his mind.

Glad you told me endings were safe LOL I was missing a lot with just one.

And I totally get you on the coming back to a project thing, it's not easy and one's mindset has sometimes evolved. I listened to a few old recordings of music i was making years ago, only to realize that had already evolved and became a completely different song, yet it was the same core. And me thinking I had forgotten it lol I guess like your game just explained, sometimes the back of our minds keeps working while we don't realize!

Yet, again, beautiful game <3 (Also no, not trying OLG other's ending, the good one was perfect as it is period hahahaha)


Glad you found the other endings pleasant and enjoyed the less direct paths too! 😊 Thank you once more for your kind words and encouragement! I am truly happy to hear that you are witnessing the changes and improvements in my games! I don’t know how my future games will be, but making games and writing (and drawing) is a fun outlet for me, as I think making music is for you (and making games too I am sure)! 😁 Do share your online music portfolio too if you have one! I would love to listen to your music too. Haha, don’t worry about trying the other endings in OLG! As sad a story as it was, it was meant to be healing and a sort of closure… though maybe I need to work on making “feel good games” because my stories always end up seeming sadder/less pleasant than I had intended for them to be. :p I can’t wait to try your game “Second Impact” in a few days! I will need to use my other computer that runs on Windows because Unity games seem to work better downloaded for me!


Haha, my pleasure to play them! And I don't know, you kinda already did. Rosenberg was much more "happier" in some endings, ofc you can't just have a happy fairy tale ending for everyhing lol I think you're doing good as you are! You can clearly tell I do mostly funny stuff, so my opinion might not be the most accuarate for other genres lol

Ah I really should put up an online portfolio someday, for now it's all in the games lol if you get to play SI at some point, I do think that is my best work musically to the date, unlike Freak the Town in which I only managed to do 3 songs besides all other tasks, there I got time to properly do all that I felt was needed hehe!

I take you're a mac user? I did try to make a build for it, and failed miserably LOL again, no need to go through so much trouble tho!!! You can always try it online, it's a pretty light game since it's all pixel art.


The music in this game is phenomenal. I play guitar and was just sitting improvising solos over one of the piano pieces in the intro. I haven't even really started the game yet lol.

I am so happy to hear you like the music in the game! 😊🎶 If you are interested, please check out the artists who created the music and their other works. They all have profiles on, where I downloaded their works, and you can find the names of the artists on the credits page at the end of the game. Alternately, I should have added information / links in the info section of each of the files, so you can access their profiles from there too! Thank you for checking out the game!! 

A beautifully written story with the perfect pairings of art and music. amazing job to the writers, developers, art and music teams. I can't wait to see what more great works are coming. 

Thank you for your kind review! 😊 I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the story and the game experience!!